3DViewStation WebViewer is a HTML5 Browser and Cloud viewer - ideal for zero-admin Browser clients and mobile users. The 3DViewStation Web-Viewer is a highly performant browser version online CAD Viewer and universal viewer, which will allow you to access your 3D CAD data, 2D CAD drawings and non-CAD data anytime and anywhere and with any HTML5-capable desktop PC, notebook, tablet PC or smartphone running Windows, Linux, iOS, or Android.  A HTML5 capable browser is all you need - no client installation necessary ("zero install, zero admin").

Top Functions
Top Functions
  • High performance
  • Reliable CAD importers
  • photorealistic rendering using materials
  • PMI: Importing PMIs, handling PMI views like regular views, filtering by PMI type
  • Importing CAD attributes
  • Printing, with stamp, optional large format
  • product structure tree
  • Activating and generating coordinate systems
  • And any more ...
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Supported formats
Supported formats

Import (3DViewStation Desktop, ActiveX, WebViewer, Automation Server)

Supported format File Extension Format Version
3DViewStation 3DVS, 3DVSXML  
3DXML 3DXML 2011 - 2013
ACIS SAT, SAB Up to V7.0
Autodesk Inventor IPT, IAM Up to 2015
CGR CGR Up to R21
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3DViewStation WebViewer

Application scenarios

Integrated 2D & 3D Online Viewer for HTML5-based browser applications, integrated in portals, xMS and PLM systems for the implementation of 2D & 3D viewing integrated in product configuration solutions, service lifecycle manaement applications or spare part portals, any other cloud solutions and PLM clients. High performance operation even at narrow bandwidths and low-performance devices. Important when using CAD data: your IP (intellectual property) is protected when using 3DViewStation WebViewer.

Scenarios and Details

View and analyze CAD assemblies and documents via a browser. All you need is a browser to get online access to all 3D CAD data, 2D drawings, Office documents and images of your enterprise. Now you can make available not just the meta data of your products and parts to interested parties - product configuration solutions, service applications and spare part portals can now offer actual geometries and associated documents as well. Navigate quickly across entire assemblies, select individual parts, show or hide them from view, measure, section or explode assemblies, color geometries depending on a status, link geometries to metadata of your leading system, attach markups or text annotations to 3D CAD models, 2D drawings or Office documents - all that and more via just a web browser. A 3D-PDF can be provided, in case the user requires a download of a 3D geometry, or a 2D PDF in case of 2D drawings or Office documents.

3DViewStation Desktop-version 3DViewStation Desktop-version 3DViewStation WebViewer 3DViewStation WebViewer 3DViewStation VR-Edition 3DViewStation VR-Edition 3DViewStation Automation Server 3DViewStation Automation Server 3DViewStation ActiveX 3DViewStation ActiveX
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