Automation Server is a server-based solution for the automated batch processing of 3D data. Automation Server can be integrated with any leading systems, like PDM systems or SAP. Standard tasks: 3D conversion & preview image generation. Automation Server covers a broad spectrum of usage scenarios. PDM system-controlled conversions of native 3D CAD assemblies to the internal 3DViewStation format 3DVS, to 3D-PDF or STEP form the basis of its functionality. And Automation Server processes all tasks with the same high speed and reliability we have come to expect from 3DViewStation.

The use of thumbnails as preview images for result lists in PLM systems makes much more sense than rendering entire 3D models. These preview images are seamlessly generated as a Automation Server background task.

Top Functions
Top Functions
  • High performance
  • Reliable CAD importers
  • photorealistic rendering using materials
  • PMI: Importing PMIs, handling PMI views like regular views, filtering by PMI type
  • Importing CAD attributes
  • Printing, with stamp, optional large format
  • product structure tree
  • Activating and generating coordinate systems
  • And any more ...
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Supported formats
Supported formats

Import (3DViewStation Desktop, ActiveX, WebViewer, Automation Server)

Supported format File Extension Format Version
3DViewStation 3DVS, 3DVSXML  
3DXML 3DXML 2011 - 2013
ACIS SAT, SAB Up to V7.0
Autodesk Inventor IPT, IAM Up to 2015
CGR CGR Up to R21
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Automation Server

virtual products & structure extraction

Frequently a PLM system manages parts of an assembly in a neutral or in the native format, while the structure is managed virtually, and is therefore available in the database only. Automation Server offers a solution for this approach, by positioning and aligning all required components on the server, and then rendering the resulting structure. The result can be exported in STEP, JT or 3D PDF format.

Sometimes, however, the product structure of an incoming assembly needs to be analyzed automatically, and created as a native version in the PDM system. Not a problem for Automation Server: a specialist function converts and returns the structure of a CAD assembly in XML format.

3DViewStation Desktop-version 3DViewStation Desktop-version 3DViewStation WebViewer 3DViewStation WebViewer 3DViewStation VR-Edition 3DViewStation VR-Edition 3DViewStation Automation Server 3DViewStation Automation Server 3DViewStation ActiveX 3DViewStation ActiveX
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